There is a new parameter form “Company parameters” introduced to configure default parameters for P-Project, WBS, Opportunity, Customer, Role prices and Default roles for specific legal entity.

Go to Settings > General > Company parameters

Details of the fields available on the Company parameters form are as follows -

Fields Description
Company Select the Company to be configured, this will provide list of Finance and Operations legal entities for selection.
Auto-create P-project If this parameter is set to Yes, then it will automatically create P-Project (Proposal project) when a new opportunity is created.
Auto-release P-project If this parameter is set to Yes, then it will automatically release and sync P-project to Finance and Operations. If this parametr is set to No, a button will be available at opporunities form to release.
P-project id suffix Define the suffix for P-project Id, which will be added to the Opportunity Id to create the P-project Id.
Default project group for P-project Select one of the existing project group, which will be used as default project group for the P-project created from Opportunity. Note: The project group should be of type Internal.
Default p-project as header If this parameter is set to Yes, the P-project created will be considered as header project.
Task level 1 is subproject If this parameter is set to Yes, Project task created as level 1 will be converted to subproject.
Task level 2 is subproject If this parameter is set to Yes, Project task created as level 2 will be converted to subproject.
Default parent project as header If this parameter is set to Yes, default parent project is considered as header project.
Auto-create project when opportunity is won If this parameter is set to Yes, Projects automatically created when the opportunities or opportunity lines are close as won.
Auto-release project when opportunity is won If this parameter is set to Yes, then it will automatically release and sync projects to Finance and Operations. If this parametr is set to No, a button will be available at projects form to release.
Auto-create Quote for project draft If this parameter is set to Yes, it will automatically create a quote when a new project draft is created from opportunity lines.
Default customer Group Id Select one of the existing customer group which will be used as default value when the new customer is created from Project Operations.
Cost price list Select one of the existing price list where “Context” is equal to “Cost”.
Sales price list Select one of the existing price list where “Context” is equal to “Sales”.
Project Manager Role Select the Role which will be used as default Project manager for this specific company.
Team Member Role Select the Role which will be used as default Team member for this specific company.
Note – This configuration must be done for each legal entity planned to be integrated with Finance and Operations.